WHO Collaborating Center

for Research and Training
for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care
Collaboration Centre for Research and Training for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care
Collaboration Centre for Research and Training for Nursing Development in Primary Health Care
In 1988, College of Nursing was designated by WHO as the first nursing-related Collaborating Centre in Korea (KOR-16). Since its designation, the Collaborating Centre has been the leader in global efforts of increasing nursing roles in primary health care (PHC) services. The Collaborating Centre was elected as the Secretary General (Dr. Mo Im Kim) of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres of Nursing and Midwifery in 1994. As the Secretary General, the Collaborating Centre coordinated the activities of 28 WHO collaborating centres around the world for 4 years.
The Collaborating Centre has been re-designated by WHO till 2028 under the following Terms of Reference (TOR) and related activities:
- TOR 1. Support WHO in providing capacity building training for health workforce development in primary health care
- Activity 1: Support WHO in capacity building of nurse educators in low- and middle-income countries to promote primary healthcare (PHC)
- Activity 2: Support WHO in capacity building for nurses in advanced roles to promote PHC
- TOR 2. Conduct and disseminate research on evidence for nursing workforce that can best contribute to primary health care
- Activity 3: Support WHO in examining the current status of pre-service nursing education in the Western Pacific region to highlight priority areas that can promote PHC
About WHO Collaborating Centre
WHO collaborating centre is an institution designated by the Director-General of WHO to form part of an international collaborative network set up by WHO in support of its programme at the country, intercountry, regional, interregional and global levels. In line with the WHO policy and strategy of technical cooperation, a WHO collaborating centre also participates in the strengthening of country resources, in terms of information, services, research and training, in support of national health development.
The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery
The Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers for Nursing and Midwifery is an independent, international, not-for-profit, voluntary organization comprising WHO collaborating centres across all six WHO Regions who are focused on nursing and midwifery development. The mission of Global Network of WHOCCs for Nursing and Midwifery is to promote Health For All populations through the collaboration, communication, and cohesion of the nursing and midwifery global community and its partners. The primary goals of the this network are to 1) Promote health for all through collaboration, communication, and strategic partnership, 2) Promote global human resources for health development through the provision of key resources and communications, 3) Advocate for the nursing and midwifery role, leadership, and contribution to the WHO Health For All platforms.
The Global Network of WHO collaborating centres for Nursing and Midwifery has a communications strategy to engage global network members, partners, and other nursing and midwifery leaders in global health news, opportunities, events, and resources. There is a separate social media strategy and a quarterly magazine that delivers a comprehensive overview of WHOCCs for Nursing and Midwifery Global Network regional updates, news, achievements, and upcoming opportunities. An annual report is compiled every year to deliver a comprehensive overview of achievements and updates by the Global Network, partner organizations, and individual Collaborating Centers.
Our people
Our people
- Name : Hyeonkyeong Lee
- Designation : Centre Director / Professor
- Email : hlee39@yuhs.ac
- Name : Sue Kim
- Designation : Centre Member / Professor
- Email : suekim@yuhs.ac
- Name : Yeonsoo Jang
- Designation : Centre Member / Professor
- Email : ysjang517@yuhs.ac
- Name : JiYeon Choi
- Designation : Centre Member / Professor
- Email : jychoi610@yuhs.ac
- Name : Bada Kang
- Designation : Centre Member / Professor
- Email : bdkang@yuhs.ac
- Name : Borim Jun
- Designation : Centre staff / Graduate Student
- Email : borim0516@yuhs.ac
- Name : Seongeun Park
- Designation : Centre Staff / Undergraduate Student
- Email : seongeunp09@gmail.com
- Name : Jeongha Park
- Designation : Centre Staff / Undergraduate Student
- Email : alicepjh05@naver.com
Newsletter and events
Contact us
Contact us

If you would like mor information about the centre and it’s current projects, please contact us
- Email : WHOCCYONSEICON@yuhs.ac
- Postal Address:
WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training for Nursing Development in Primary Health care
College of Nursing Yonsei University
50-1, Yonsei-Ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
P.O. Box 03722